Freelancing do’s and don’ts

Glossy Tech

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You may have heard of freelancers working from home, but did you know that there are some things freelancers should avoid doing to ensure that they get the best out of the job? All freelancers are different and have different skills and experience, but following some of these tips can help you get the most out of your work.

We’re going to introduce you to some of the do’s and don’ts that you should be following as a freelancer

As a freelance graphic designer( on Fiverr ), I made many mistakes, and some of them were costly.

Whether you’re new to freelancing or have been at it for a while, these helpful tips (do’s and don’ts) you should keep in mind if you are a freelancer.

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So, here are some freelance mistakes to avoid.

Rush talking about moneyFigure out their problems first
Send questionnaire via EmailJump on a call to discuss customer concerns.
Work without getting an upfront or any advance payment.Get at least 25% of the upfront deposit.
Charging too low for fear of losing this customer.Know your worth and charge take you deserve.
Not developing your knowledge or skills.Invest in yourself and learn new skills.
No marketing and networking.Market your service and expand your network.
Continuously working with the wrong client type.Aim for better clients and profitable projects.
Embark on any project that comes to you.Only work on valuable and profitable projects.
Assume that you understand the problem or you know what is the problem of your client.Figure out the problem by asking the right question.
Neglect your mantle and physical health.Spend some more time away from work and social media.
Not deserving your income resource.Sell digital products, and join affiliate programs.
Don’t ask customers for recommendations and referrals.Ask your client to refer you to their network.
Get too much comfortable with your income too soon.Track your expenses and save money for the future.
Accept more than you handle.Make sure your client is satisfied with your outcome.
Neglecting the market when business is good.Devote some time to creating your brand’s marketing.
Planning only for short-term financing.No one else is planning for your retirement, that’s up to you only.
Not communicating enough and leaving things unsaid.Don’t assume your client’s objectives, ask questions!
Losing track of previous clients.Your best future clients are your past or current client.
Allowing your work to control your personal life.Relax, take a short break or a vacation every now and then
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Not offering to expandOffer to expand your work and contribute ideas and improvements
Say no to side-projectsDo some kind of side-projects (providing they’re paid!)

Final Thoughts:

Freelancing offers so many great opportunities, flexibility, and freedom. However, if you’re just starting out, you still have a lot to learn, and these dos and don’ts above are also a great foundation for a successful freelance career.

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Some articles personally selected for further reading:

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