The Future of UX/UI is Bright With These 7 Trends For the Next Year

Glossy Tech

User experience and user interface design are always evolving and I will be discussing the top trends of the next year in UX and UI. UX design is becoming a vital part of digital business strategies and it’s also continuing to evolve. UI design is a little more complicated as it is harder for it to change so quickly.

With the advancements in technology, it’s easy to expect that there will be new trends and designs for UX/UI, but what will it look like? In this article, I am going to discuss some of the trends that will be popular in the next 10 years and help you to prepare for the future.

UX and UI design (Image)

The best thing we can do when creating a website is to keep our future users in mind. They’re the ones we build the site for anyway, right? So without further ado, let’s get started!

UX and UI design

1. Immersive Scrolling:

It allows UX UI designers to control what content is presented to the viewer and how it is presented.

Immersive scrolling, also known as “scroll telling,” presents content to users in a more strategic, narrative way. Customers are more interested in your website with the help of smooth animations and dynamic elements that accompany other static website setups.

Immersive scrolling stimulates customer curiosity and encourages them to interact with content on your site that they would otherwise ignore.

While this is one of the top UX/UI design trends for 2023 that marketers should be aware of, it should be noted that immersive scrolling is a graphic design trend and not universal. The goal of your marketing plan should be to support the marketing goals you have for your business This is a great tool but make sure it fits your brand first.

2. The Legacy Cursor Gone:

The mouse cursor is the hero of every screen. Silent elements keep you clicking and typing. The primary means by which users interact with the user interface is through the cursor. The use of cursors by visitors is universal. Spotlight cursors are nothing new, but the surge in custom cursors in 2021 and this continues into 2022 has had a strong impact.

It’s clear that Google Chrome extensions for custom cursors and community sites dedicated to custom cursors are on the rise. Custom cursors generate brand loyalty and reinforce your company’s brand, right down to how you interact with your screen.

For example, Duolingo, Tiktok, and Discord offer custom cursors for their fans.

In 2023, we expect more designers to encourage the use of custom cursors and incorporate them into their work to provide innovative experiences for their customers.

3. 3D and Animated Visuals:

3D and Animated Visuals help draw more attention to the static elements of your website. As with immersive scrolling, 3D and animated elements add (literally) movement to your site’s design and help grab your users’ attention.

UX is also enhanced with 3D elements to make user interactions on websites more memorable.

Important note: 3D and animated visuals should enhance and complement other content on the website. Make sure these additions blend in with your static content and are not distracting.

Unnecessary 3D graphics and animations can make your website overwhelming for users, but when used properly, they can create a unique and original memory for your website visitors. You can create experiences that remain in the best possible way.

4. AR/VR:

Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) technologies have become increasingly available to businesses in recent years. Even it’s also good to assume that web designers looking to create website experiences can use AR/VR technology more widely.

AR is a real-life scene enhanced with computer-generated sound, graphics, and other input. Virtual reality (VR) is a simulation of an environment created by a computer. Both are incredibly immersive and useful for businesses looking to offer unique experiences to their customers.

The commercialization of AR/VR technology is an exciting development that will help create virtual interactions that blend with real life. In 2023, we will definitely see more use of VR in marketing, graphics, and website design.

5. Dark and light modes:

If you’re a Twitter user and have switched your app settings to dark mode. You’ll notice that this UX/UI design trend is sure to have a greater presence on websites in 2023.

Dark or anti-light mode is a trend in graphic design that puts the user first. Instead of a bright white background that is hard on the eyes, dark mode makes content less saturated and easier to read. It is less difficult, which makes it more attractive to many users (especially at night). Whether your site has a Twitter-like dark background or a soft off-white color, a bright light design will thank your users!

6. Gradients:

Gradients are gaining popularity on social media and in fashion, but the 80s and 90s seem to be making a comeback. In fashion, this means more groovy clothing and exciting color choices. In the digital space, this has led to a resurgence of gradients, the adoption of brutalism, colorful palettes, and more.

Gradients are a big trend that has been embraced by many this year, and it will also continue for years to come. Combined with the fact that people are using happier multicolor palettes as if to combat fatigue caused by the novel coronavirus.

7. Designing for Cross-Device User Experience:

Cross-Device User Behavior refers to how a user interacts with a particular funnel across two or more different devices at different points in their journey. We are constantly swapping devices for different devices as we move from micro-moments (mobile) to periods of extended focus (desktop).

We live in a world surrounded by all kinds of devices, and even though advanced cross-device experiences are becoming more common, we have designed them entirely with cross-device experiences in mind.

Understanding how to design for multiple devices is now a must-have skill for UX designers. Knowing how to map a user journey (how a user moves from a device such as a mobile phone to a larger console or TV screen) and designing and understanding edge cases can be important.

Closing Remarks:

To sum up, Using cutting-edge technology, beautiful, approachable designs, and compelling narratives can now be realized at your fingertips. Keeping up with the latest trends can take your interface to the next level and also give you an edge in the industry.

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Some articles personally selected for further reading:

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