Pro Tips || Response Buyer Request on Fiverr

Glossy Tech

Struggling to respond to buyer requests on Fiverr? Are you finding it difficult to write a killer response to a buyer request on Fiverr and get the project you want?

Do not worry! In this article, we’ll discuss all the common mistakes and the wrong things you are doing while responding to a buyer request on Fiverr. We’ll also talk about some pro tips for writing an effective Fiverr buyer request with the help of examples and samples to master the skill of winning Fiverr buyer requests. So, without any delay, Let’s begin!

Common mistakes you are making:

Using the same template every time:

Making a template and responding to everyone without even reading the job description is just a waste of time.

Make grammar and spelling mistakes:

Making grammar and spelling mistakes is a big NO to your response. My recommendation for avoiding grammar and spelling mistakes is Grammarly. This tool is best to write a professional response to your buyers.

Using too many difficult words:

If you are using complex vocabulary then it can irritate your buyer. It just increases the struggle for the buyer to search for the meaning of that word. So don’t use high-level English words, just make sure to convey your point with simple and clear sentences.

Writing long paragraphs:

Don’t write detailed stuff about your expertise. Never add unnecessary details to the description. Just convey your message that you can solve the problem of the buyer and be concise with it.

Offer unlimited revisions:

Fiverr gives an unlimited revisions policy but I always advise you to value your time and work. Yes, your unlimited revisions may entice buyers to buy your gig, but you’ll end up spending a lot of time on that $5 order. If you’re confident in your skills, you don’t have to offer unlimited revisions only if you are getting paid according to it.

Making big promises:

Many new sellers pretend to know everything to win the project. They overpromise even though they know they won’t be able to finish the job perfectly. So be honest in your communication and only commit to projects that you know you can successfully complete.

buyer request on Fiverr

buyer request on Fiverr (Image)

1. Greetings:

  • Hi sir, how are you?
  • Hi dear! Good evening.
  • Hello hiring manager

Use these sentences instead

  • Smith, Hi Congrats on launching your brand. How may I help you….?
  • Smith, Hi! I know you are looking for ……., let’s discuss.
  • Smith, Hi! I have a solution for it, let’s discuss it…

2. Appealing key points to get noticed:

  • Smith, Hi I want to work with you.
  • Smith, Hi please hire me for this job.
  • I need this job because I am an expert in it…

Use these sentences instead

  • Do you need help with the “Name of your Job ( social media ads and creatives)?
  • I think you need a quick turnaround, do you.?
  • Smith, Hi I am working on the same project, let’s discuss it.

3. Mentioning the solution to asked problems:

  • I will manage your social media.
  • I love to work with you.
  • I am an expert and have 3 years of experience in it.

Use these sentences instead

  • Tell him what you can do for his business to grow. (I will enhance your Instagram page and grow it up to 1K followers in a week
  • Let’s hop on a quick call, so we can discuss this project properly
  • I have completed many similar projects like this, please check out the link below. (link to your portfolio)

4. Asking relatable questions for more engagement:

  • Tell me your budget.
  • Can you please explain this project to me?
  • When do you need this project?

Use these sentences instead

  • What do you need for the first step of this project to be delivered to you?
  • Which part of the project is more important? Let’s clear it up first.
  • Do you have any inspirations? If yes then please let me check…

5. Best Call to Action key points

  • Let me know if you want to work with me.
  • I am waiting for your response.
  • I am highly interested and want this job.

Use these sentences instead

  • Let’s do a quick Zoom meeting to discuss the project further.
  • I have many ideas to make your project successful, let’s discuss some details.
  • Looking forward to your kind response and working together

6. Always offer 3 Packages

  • What is your offer for this project?
  • I will charge (15$) for this job.
  • I can’t work with you because your budget is low.

Use these sentences instead

  • How much are you willing to pay for your desired results?
  • I am offering 3 packages from —($) to —($), which package you would like to go for?
  • As per your requirements, I cost more than your proposal.

7. Discuss the problem Not yourself:

  • I am an expert in it and can help you to do this very quickly.
  • I am very talented and an expert in such projects.
  • I can deliver the best quality work.

Use these sentences instead

  • Your business will definitely grow with my strategies with proven successful results.
  • I am confident that I can help your business to be able to achieve more profits.
  • I have a few more ideas for this project successfully, let’s discuss them.

buyer request on Fiverr

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